Film Fun!

Hiya! I am currently working on a crochet pattern (Oh my god I know! I crochet!) and thought I would do something fun in the meantime while I WAIT FOR MY YARN (*cough* hurry up snail mail *cough*). So what else have we all been doing in iso, watching movies of course! So I thought […]

Titans: Surprisingly Fantastic

I’m currently writing this on the 27/12 and finished Titans first season and oh my god it was so good. (sorry in advanced for the shitty way the layout is I couldn’t make it look good) Okay okay so so so right. I am finally getting back to writing this just now (feb) and DON’T […]

The New and Improved Doctor Who

Anyone who has known me for long enough knows I’m the biggest fan of Doctor who. I started watching in the Matt Smith era, series 5. Good fun. Now I’ve been lucky enough to see the first ever female doctor and she is AMAZING. She embodies both the emotion of Tennant and the playfulness of Smith. […]

Fictional Deaths

So this post will contain obvious spoilers to Star Wars (YES I mean the newest release), The Amazing Spider Man 2, Attack on Titan, Doctor Who (Matt Smith or the 11th doctor), City of Heavenly Fire, Allegiant, Sherlock Season 2, Harry Potter,  The Vampire Diaries and the 100, I will also have you know that […]

Trying new things

So this year I am trying new things. Watching new T.V Shows, reading new books, listening to new music. Not to mention moving to another school at the beginning of the year. I thought it might be a good idea to tell you how this is going. I have started to watch The Vampire Diaries, […]