Looking back

So I just got off a call with a friend in which we looked back at some of the shit I’ve posted in the past. They didn’t know me at the time of making this blog or even posting on here! There was one thing that we both found as I was cleaning up this […]

Crocheting, Cardigans and Quarantine – Revisited

After 3 years I return! Holy shit I decided to come back and see how y’all were going to find that my Hooty project has blown tf up. With all the love for that project I thought I would share some of my fav pics of my crocheting projects that I created in lockdown way […]

She’s Back!!

Hello!! What the fuck! I decided to look at this blog after having it for almost 10 years now (what the hell) and y’all have BLOWN UP my Hooty crocheting pattern. I thought I would make a quick little intro to all of those who are new and say hi. I havent posted here in […]

Oddly Specific Crocheting: Hooty, But Make Him A Crocheted Monster

Stuck in iso I have been watching some new shows and one of the best I’ve seen so far is The Owl House. It’s an animated Disney Channel show that I have fallen in love with. So far there is only 1 season out and I’m eagerly waiting for more content. The one problem with […]

Film Fun!

Hiya! I am currently working on a crochet pattern (Oh my god I know! I crochet!) and thought I would do something fun in the meantime while I WAIT FOR MY YARN (*cough* hurry up snail mail *cough*). So what else have we all been doing in iso, watching movies of course! So I thought […]