So Many Old Posts Pt. 2

Pt. 2 to my old Q&A posts What is your name? 2015: Charlotte (No last name for you) 2020: Still hasn’t changed Age? 2015:I am a teenager 2020: 19… so still a teen lol Best Friend? 2015: I am going to call her Teresa (If you see that name I am talking about my best […]

I’m Doing These Question Things Because It’s Midnight

Name: Charlotte sup bro. Zodiac sign: Well if you’ve never like glanced at my page then you don’t realise I’m the epitome of a Pisces. 3 fears: Needles (fuck that), gnats like those flying little tiny bugs just don’t ask, failure. 3 things I love: Hayley Williams (no brainer love her more than my life), […]