Stardew Valley Slays

Here’s the thing, Stardew Valley is my life currently. This little game has taken over not just my computer but my Spotify and Pinterest, it’s EVERYWHERE! I only realised recently that I don’t really talk about how much I love this game. Like seriously, I’ve been playing it for a couple of years and have […]

Film Fun!

Hiya! I am currently working on a crochet pattern (Oh my god I know! I crochet!) and thought I would do something fun in the meantime while I WAIT FOR MY YARN (*cough* hurry up snail mail *cough*). So what else have we all been doing in iso, watching movies of course! So I thought […]

ASMR (Don’t Judge Me)

Okay so this is an unknown fact of mine… I love asmr. I have been listening to it for around 3ish years, finding the really good asmrtists that I love with all my heart. I am a very bad sleeper. Like real bad. And I have this little problem called anxiety. This calms me and […]

Film List: #3-Trainspotting

Oh boy this was a weird one. I loved the setup and how it comes back around to the same monologue as the beginning. It had a pretty simple linear structure with the ongoing conflict of heroin addiction. The colouring was a real standout for me. It being mainly brown, adding bright colours rarely. One […]

Titans: Surprisingly Fantastic

I’m currently writing this on the 27/12 and finished Titans first season and oh my god it was so good. (sorry in advanced for the shitty way the layout is I couldn’t make it look good) Okay okay so so so right. I am finally getting back to writing this just now (feb) and DON’T […]