Stardew Valley Slays

Here’s the thing, Stardew Valley is my life currently. This little game has taken over not just my computer but my Spotify and Pinterest, it’s EVERYWHERE! I only realised recently that I don’t really talk about how much I love this game. Like seriously, I’ve been playing it for a couple of years and have […]


Last month I was loving many things. What I was reading. What I was cooking (badly). Listening to, eating, drinking and more. I am currently reading: A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin. If you are following my Instagram (geekydiaries) you will know that I am currently obsessed. I am hoping to finish the series […]

Fictional Deaths

So this post will contain obvious spoilers to Star Wars (YES I mean the newest release), The Amazing Spider Man 2, Attack on Titan, Doctor Who (Matt Smith or the 11th doctor), City of Heavenly Fire, Allegiant, Sherlock Season 2, Harry Potter,  The Vampire Diaries and the 100, I will also have you know that […]


So recently I have gone through a change. A musical change if any and I have begun to listen to different artists. In this post I will tell you only one of my favorite songs from the artist and what I think of their music. So without further ado here they are… Halsey Lindsey Stirling […]