Looking back

So I just got off a call with a friend in which we looked back at some of the shit I’ve posted in the past. They didn’t know me at the time of making this blog or even posting on here! There was one thing that we both found as I was cleaning up this […]

She’s Back!!

Hello!! What the fuck! I decided to look at this blog after having it for almost 10 years now (what the hell) and y’all have BLOWN UP my Hooty crocheting pattern. I thought I would make a quick little intro to all of those who are new and say hi. I havent posted here in […]

I’m Doing These Question Things Because It’s Midnight

Name: Charlotte sup bro. Zodiac sign: Well if you’ve never like glanced at my page then you don’t realise I’m the epitome of a Pisces. 3 fears: Needles (fuck that), gnats like those flying little tiny bugs just don’t ask, failure. 3 things I love: Hayley Williams (no brainer love her more than my life), […]

Trying new things

So this year I am trying new things. Watching new T.V Shows, reading new books, listening to new music. Not to mention moving to another school at the beginning of the year. I thought it might be a good idea to tell you how this is going. I have started to watch The Vampire Diaries, […]