The Urge to Punch a Wall

If y’all are unaware I have the pleasure of being diagnosed with BPD. Hot right.
This comes with the unfortunate side effect of the kind of anger that is like next level. This shit scares everyone around me. Its like to the point of friends of 10 years seeing it and being like jesus fucking christ ur posessed.

I’m writing this currently from that place, only difference is its 1am and I’m feeling like this next to my beautiful sleeping girlfriend. Now I know that this anger is 100% out of proportion to this particular ongoing situation. I’ve decided that I’m going to (or at least attempt to) channel this into something creative. I’m going out to take pics with one of my besties. This anger is deffo a thing that has been building for a long time. The rage of being fem (especially hyper feminine), being the eldest daughter with many complicated family dynamics AS WELL AS having BPD, working in the same company as a VERY shitty ex girlfriend and having a very unstable emotional state currently. Let’s just say that if I don’t do something with this energy an explosion will happen in the town that I live in and NO ONE IS SAFE.

I’m currently making a very angry playlist while talking to one of my other besties (we are planning some very intense ideas lets leave it at that).

This is honestly a very quick post of me getting my anger out and hoping it reaches the right people who get it. Cuz the girlies who get it, get it.

If said playlist ends up being a hit I will deffo post it on here cuz we all know I’m a sucker for a playlist.

Anyway, Love ya Byeeeeee x

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