Monthly Music Wrap – May

I won’t lie to you May was a bit of a weird one

Fav Song:
Light of the Seven from season 6 of Game of Thrones… I told you it was out of left field!
I could go on for hours about this song and how it is 9 minutes and 48 seconds of perfection and the whole scene it is a part of is made even better by this score. The build up in this song brings me so much joy. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of listening to this track the song begins with a solo piano which is soon joined by cellos, my favourite part of this track personally. Each instrument that is brought in throughout the song is given its own time in the limelight. The dead space that is left in between motifs makes everything punchier and works so perfectly with the scene it has been placed in. When I say it’s a slow build up I mean SLOW. The song doesn’t really start picking up until around the half way mark when they BRING IN THE ORGANS AND CHIOR!!! The organ you can hear lightly in the background to begin with and then out of nowhere BOOM right up in full force.
Ramin also introduces some of the main musical beats from the Game of Thrones intro into this piece right at the end, which if you’ve seen the episode you’d know is just perfect because this episode is when the real game starts and the final contenders for the throne are all brought together in Westeros.
To be completely honest with you, you don’t need to have seen the episode to enjoy this piece of music. I listen to it on my drive to work all the time because of how epic it is.
ALSO my car deciced to break down… I’m talking flashing lights massive beeping noises, breaks failing and THIS FUCKING SONG WAS PLAYING!!!! I looked at my heartrate afterwards and it was up in the 170s I fully thought I was going to die. And this mf song did not help with the feeling of impending doom

Fav Album:
The Disappearance of the Girl by Phildel has been a bit of a staple of mine for years but I’m coming back around to her. I think a lot of this has to do with me showing her to new people. Her music is so etherial and gives off the best witchy whimsical vibes.
The album came out in 2014 and imo still holds up.
My current favourites are The Wolf and the title track The Disappearance of the Girl. Both have opposite vibes, one having more synth and bass themes while the other has a much more whimsical and lighter vibe.
Her lyrics throughout the album are so visual which I am an absolute sucker for and I encourage everyone to go and listen to the album asap!

Other favs of the month:
The first one has got to be the Finding Nemo score. I have no idea why but this film and the music has an absolute CHOKEHOLD on my life at the moment. It’s just so peaceful and amazing. The little details makes it even better to listen to. As an example in the scene where Marlin and Dory are leaving the EAC surfer rock plays in the background and I only noticed that while listening to the soundtrack. It will also very much help you get into a main character mindset. Sitting on a tram in the rain listening to this is such a vibe I highly recommend.
Crave by Paramore is my other repeat song at the moment There isn’t much else to add to this other than it’s becoming my new favourite song from the album. The chorus is so catchy I can’t even.

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