Titans: Surprisingly Fantastic

I’m currently writing this on the 27/12 and finished Titans first season and oh my god it was so good. (sorry in advanced for the shitty way the layout is I couldn’t make it look good)
Okay okay so so so right. I am finally getting back to writing this just now (feb) and DON’T WATCH THE TRAILER ITS SHIT. Now that I’ve got that out of the way. This series is trashy, like that show that you know isn’t the most incredible and isn’t going to be great for everyone but damn it was so much fun to watch. Not in the way watching B99 is fun more fun in the way a trashy show is fun. Yes this is a dark show. Yes it is quite violent. Yes it is nothing like the original KIDS SHOW. TRUST ME THIS ISN’T FOR KIDS JUST DON’T DO IT. I think the way they decided to take this show is really interesting. Dick is the only actual superhero in this, being the old Robbin and all. But they all need each other to figure their shit out. The main issue I have with it has nothing to do with storyline or characters or anything like that. Its to do with the FUCKING BLUE FILTER THEY HAVE BECAUSE IT IS JUST SO DULLING JUST STOP IT WE KNOW IT IS A DARK DC SHOW WE DON’T NEED A BLUE FILTER TO KNOW THAT. Yes so the blue filter isn’t my favourite, but everything else about this show just made me so happy and interested. I was lucky enough to get to watch it when the entire series was out so I could just binge the shit out of it. I don’t think it would work any other way than binging it. I ended up watching it over a 2 day period while crocheting my blanket (I’ll make a post about it some time but it ain’t finished yet) and it was just a great thing to zone out to. The first episode is a bit meh, but it ramps up after that.
I would suggest watching it over a weekend or a few days free. It was just a lot of fun.

Okay character time. They aren’t anything like the characters that came beforehand. they are gritty and have a totally different look. My least favourite was definitely Rachel’s (Raven), like it made sense for her character, but it was just SO BORING. Her hair was fun but like come on shes wearing a freaking hoodie (I mean easy cosplay material right there). (While looking at images to put in this post for her I actually don’t hate the outfit, like sure its pretty basic with layering and very much an edgy emo tumblr look but like I don’t actually hate it.)

The actual outfit that looking back I don’t actually hate all that much
The kickass ‘what could have been’ season finale outfit that I really dig







I think that Cory’s (Starfire) was the best. it still had hints of the original character, with the purple outfit and bright pink hair. It was a good way of capturing the likeness of her original character but bringing it to the real world.

The Starfire outfit that we got and I love with all my heart 
The outfit we almost got and I’m so happy we didn’t get it







While looking for images for Starfire and Raven, I stumbled upon their season 1 finale outfits that could have been and I WOULD HAVE LOVED RAVEN’S OUTFIT LIKE YES GIVE IT TO ME IN SEASON 2 (season 2 is confirmed btw) and in this case I hate Starfire’s other look. I thought I would give a side by side comparison of what could have been with what actually is.

For Dick Grayson I am just going to be talking about his ‘superhero’ getup cuz ya know it’s way more interesting to write about that than his everyday wear. This take on his outfit was really cool. It had more of an armor feel to it and I really liked the updated look. It was also a lot darker in colour (yes even with the stupid blue filter). This was a cool contrast when they introduce Jason Todd because his outfit was so bright.

Ye this is Dick Grayson 
this was way too much effort
don’t judge me I copied this off netflix its actually a lot brighter I’m just lazy (Jason Todd)










And finally Gar or Beast Boy. Basically he reminded me of the Descendants movies. Mainly cuz of his hair and the jacket. I liked the way they took it on. All of these are in a similar line of keeping main elements such as colouring (a lot of it is in the hair) and some basic shapes, such as Rachel’s hood that has a ‘widows peak’.

Gar aka. Beast Boy
SEE WHAT I MEAN (this is Carlos from Descendants)








Oh on a side note the CGI for Gar (Beast Boy) when he changes to a tiger is SO BAD LIKE 2004 SIMS 2 BAD. Yeah that wasn’t fantastic. You can go see for yourself there is no way I’m putting that anywhere near my page.

But what was fantastic is the way they showed Rachel’s powers. It was pretty fucked up but like the CGI they used on it was SO FUCKING COOL. It had this feel that was similar to the vashtanarada (I think that’s how you spell it I don’t even know) from the Doctor Who episode ‘Silence in the Library’.

This cool ass shit that I would be happy to cosplay. (that’s just her eyes)
Okay so this is the best I could get guys don’t judge me it looks way cooler in the show









So to end on a high note if you want something fun and trashy to watch that is a bit more adult than Riverdale then Titans is for you. I’m rewatching it while writing this and I still love it. Some of the shots are really pretty, but don’t rely on it to give you incredible camerawork cuz you’ll probably be disappointing, but if you want a pretty decent storyline that isn’t too hardcore, but is adult enough to not be a kids show. It’s currently on Netflix (at least in Australia) and I hikey love it and would recommend it to all.

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