The New and Improved Doctor Who

Anyone who has known me for long enough knows I’m the biggest fan of Doctor who. I started watching in the Matt Smith era, series 5. Good fun. Now I’ve been lucky enough to see the first ever female doctor and she is AMAZING. She embodies both the emotion of Tennant and the playfulness of Smith. Although at this time we are only 2 episodes in (3 by the time this is released) I am excited to see where it goes. As the episodes come out at 9am on a Monday, I have to wait until 9pm to see it. This is mainly because of me doing circus and my dad and I waiting for my sister to go to bed. I feel like the new series has come at the right time because my dad and I have been growing apart and it is one of the things that we have both been obsessed with for a long time. (I am only talking about Nu Doctor Who)

With the new series just warming up and me not really talking about Doctor Who in depth for a while I thought I would make a little list of my favourite episodes, series and of course companions. With companions I have made a rule that they can only be seen as companions if they have been seen to travel in the TARDIS at least once. Now onto my opinions.

My top 10 episodes include a few stories that span over 2 episodes, I am counting this as 1 for convenience.

10. The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky (Series 4 Episodes 5-6) This episode has a few serious tones while also talking about current issues??? Carbon emissions and children prodigies. Tennant evens this out with some witty lines and Donna helps this along as usual.

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9. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances (Series 1 Episode 9-10) Honestly I am happy that they didn’t end up bringing the empty children back as they feel better as a one off. They are unique to the episode and ultimately scarier because of it. Eccleston has a very serious tone throughout and I feel like these episodes hold a special place in my heart because I REMEMBERED 9 DAMNIT. I watched series 1 in a proper marathon with a friend at the time. Also Captain Jack Harkness is goals in series 1.


8. Asylum Of the Daleks (Series 7 Episode 1) I was sad to see how much they had changed the daleks from the biggest enemy of the Doctor to a dumbed down version of them with no anger attached. The main thing that I liked about this episode was the concept. I think that Oswin as a character was great and uplifting throughout.

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7. Midnight (Series 4 Episode 11) This episode is a serious one for Tennant. I think he acts brilliantly throughout, especially when the creature begins taking over his mind. His struggle is shown throughout. The absence of Donna is also a bit of a relief, but at the same time she is still the character we all love, skipping on sight seeing for a tan.

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6. Turn Left (Series 4 Episode 12) If you can’t tell by now I really like series 4. Once again I really like the concept of this episode. The idea that the episode mainly follows Donna and the one decision that changed her life and the world around her. I didn’t hate that Rose appeared, but she does seem to find her way into everything so I wasn’t surprised.

5. The Day of the Doctor (Special Episode) Now THIS on the other hand I really liked the return of Billie Piper playing the ‘Bad Wolf’. I unfortunately didn’t get to see this in cinema, but it is such an interesting episode that i couldn’t not put it on here. The way Smith and Tennant react to each other is perfect and Clara really works in the episode, even though I don’t really like the chemistry between Smith and Coleman in other episodes, but they work really well here. I also LOVED John Hurt in this and he plays the war Doctor perfectly.

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4. Lie of the Land ( Series 10 Episode 9) Capaldi isn’t my favourite Doctor, but this episode is really good. I only watched it recently but I loved the whole cast together against the big bad guys.

3. Blink (Series 3 Episode 11) Oh my god I know this isn’t first?? Nope. It used to be my favourite, but as time passed there have been episodes that have impacted me more. The Doctor is barely in this episode yet it still works so well. It also introduces the scariest monster ever (that I totally want to cosplay one day) the weeping angel. The mystery behind them as well as the way they are set up is just incredible. Seeing this as a child scared the shit out of me, but boy was it worth it.

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2. Vincent and the Doctor (Series 5 Episode 10) The most emotional episode. I can tell you right now DON’T WATCH THIS AFTER SEEING VINCENT’S ART IRL IT WILL FUCK YOU UP! There has never been a time when I have watched this and not cried at the end. And oh my god everything about Vincent is perfect. I will never recover from the ending and the way he reacts and ugh i just love it so much.

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1. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead (Series 4 Episodes 9-10) These episodes are just… So good. They have this emotional impact on me that i can’t describe. Its a complex feeling of sadness as well as excitement (if you’ve seen previous episodes with River in it before) because of this new character that has entered the building with fireworks. The concept of the FUCKING SHADOWS BEING THE MONSTER SCARES ME SO MUCH. Don’t watch this at 1am its a mistake.

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Now onto my Top 5 (because i’m lazy) Companions

5. Amy- There is something about her playfulness that works so well with Smith’s doctor. She has this complex relationship with time and space from the very beginning, meeting the Doctor when she was young and then FINALLY traveling when shes older. Not to mention that shes like technically 2000 years old.

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4. Captain Jack Harkness – like seriously. He is just… So good. everything about him, his sassiness, his flirting with every living being around is just perfect. I think that because he isn’t in all the episodes also lets the audience have a breather as he is INTENSE sometimes.

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3. Wilfred Mott- Donna’s grandfather. Even though he isn’t in many episodes and doesn’t travel all that much with the Doctor, he is that fatherly character that everyone needs in his life. He also reminds me of my grandfather so like I am totally okay with a guy like that being in Doctor Who.

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2. Missy- SHE IS SO UNDERRATED. I love her so much, she is introduced in Capaldi’s run and being this almost anti-hero by the end just brings such an interesting feel to the Master. Also she is an evil Mary Poppins and is the thing no one knew they needed in their lives. She is sassy and exciting and hilarious. I just wish she was in more episodes.

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1. Donna- She has always been my favourite companion. Donna is the ultimate friend for the Doctor, not wanting to make out with him or run away from him. She is there to tell him to shut the hell up and will speak the truth to the Doctor. The fact that her episode was meant to be a one off and they decided to bring her back makes everything even better.

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And there you have it. My opinions on the episodes and companions.



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