Fictional Deaths

So this post will contain obvious spoilers to Star Wars (YES I mean the newest release), The Amazing Spider Man 2, Attack on Titan, Doctor Who (Matt Smith or the 11th doctor), City of Heavenly Fire, Allegiant, Sherlock Season 2, Harry Potter,  The Vampire Diaries and the 100, I will also have you know that I either read or watched these deaths AGAIN to be able to express my full and honest reaction. So if some of these are me rambling on how (Insert dead characters name here) shouldn’t have died it was either the grief or shock talking.

Okay Lets start by saying:

I think that you should be okay now. Right onto the actual post… So how this is going to work is that I will tell you the character that died and how I reacted to their deaths. Just a warning I over react about everything. I am Like an anime Character. Lets get to it Shall we?

Star wars: Okay so this was the latest movie and if it was not obvious before in my last post I fell HARD when it came to Han Solo. I mean he is my favorite character in Star Wars and HIS OWN SON KILLED HIM! While in the Cinemas I was more like an anime character:

That soon turned into realization which at this point I am still trying to get over that. Not the best. I mean great movie, crappy feeling afterwards. This was more of a slower hold on me, like I had lost a very close friend. I mean Han has been in my life since I was eight and I watched the original trilogy for the first time. This was truly a great loss for me and anyone else with a love for this bounty hunter gone kinda good.

The Amazing Spiderman 2: If you didn’t see this one coming I don’t quite understand your logic. So Gwen Stacy…. I was watching this at like 2 in the morning on a school night and this happened 

Yeah bringing back bad memories right. Well I was sitting in bed weeping at 2 in the morning like, yes an anime character:

Still a great movie. I will also have you know I was hyperventilating like a child trying to blow a balloon up after this. I still have to scroll past the photo I put in because it brought back too many memories. That moment when he just grabs onto her and you know that she has hit the ground, that is when the tears that could probably drown small children came from my eyeballs and soaked my pillow that now smells of tears from watching too many movies and TV shows with dead characters in them. I guess that is my punishment for staying up late.

Attack on Titan: HAHAHA well this one I reacted exactly like I should by screaming out at 1 in the morning which woke the house up which caused me to slam my computer shut with great force and pretend to sleep. Erin Jagar. wasn’t that obvious I mean he didn’t exactly die but this part really got me:  

Also his mother in episode 1 that was harsh.

Doctor Who: So there are a few in this. The tenth doctor and the eleventh doctor. That bow tie drop hit me right in the feels. There was one other incident that was too much for me to handle. Rory and Amy. AAAHHH this was the scariest and saddest episode. How can there be so many feels packed into 1 episode like that.


OOOOHHHHH I FORGOT ABOUT SOMEONE! Okay so technically this wasn’t a death but Oswin Oswald in The Asylum of the Dalek. That was just heartbreaking. Too heartbreaking to believe.

Still not as heartbreaking as Nina. But it was the realization that really caught me off guard. And those words “Run you clever boy, and remember.” AAAARGH!

City of Heavenly Fire: Okay so somehow I cried like a baby when JONATHON or SEBASTIAN died and his true nature showed. oh god that was the saddest thing that happened in the entire of the Mortal Instruments series.

Allegiant: So I was dumb and read the infamous CHAPTER 50 IN CLASS. Yes IN CLASS! So like the waterworks I am I was sitting on the couch in the library in our reading session which mind you is usually my favorite time of day when BAM! TRIS IS ALL GONE! I believe that  I was rocking back and forward on the couch when my teacher asked If I was okay I replied with a slight nod and went back to my shock crying and continued to read the book unlike Looking For Alaska.

Sherlock: Well I wonder what this could be does this boost your memory:


Well that is how I wanted it to happen but NO MOFFAT DECIDED AGAINST THAT! It was more of a gasp of huge air and  the biggest NOOOOO you can think of. Oh I have a good one for this:

oh he must take after his father

Right onto another traumatizing death(s)

Harry Potter: So where do I begin. Hmm Dumbledore? No to obvious. Sirius? No I still haven’t gotten over that. Oh how about Snape? YES that was easily the saddest death in all of Harry Potter (Other than Dobby, but it is too hard to talk about at this present moment) It was kind of like Liz and how we learn about their past in the persons dying seconds (Literally) I believe that I have already begun the process of dying a little inside after talking about these people. I mean my head hurts thinking about it.


The Vampire Diaries: Okay so I hadn’t even started writing this when I started to cry… Liz. Oh Liz why are you the death of my mental stability. This started the whole post. This one death began an existential crisis (other than Han of course) that will continue THROUGH CHRISTMAS! thank you Liz for making me cry like a baby throughout the whole “don’t let go” sequence. I am now breathing as steadily as I can without shaking which in my case is not going so well. Also there were several stages of them grieving over Liz and that was not okay by my mental standards. The whole bike riding thing was too much and when she said that Caroline was ready to go off without her training wheels and then we hear the sustained beep and we know that she is gone. God I am still getting wet eyes from this and it is not okay. Oh and Jenna wasn’t so good for my emotional status at this present time. that wasn’t fun at all.


The 100: okay so recently and I mean about five minutes before writing this post I pressed shuffle. Now you know how lots of the time it will bring you bad luck such as in The Vampire Diaries, yeah well that happened. I was looking for a certian part towards the end of an episode when I found this minor character with his daughter. His daughter was going blind and all he wanted to do was put a clip in her hair. Now if you have seen season 1 you will know that there is not enough air to go around so they had to have people sacrifice themselves for air. This man did it for his daughter. The last clip you see of him is in the hanger where they have turned off the air and he is playing with the clip. OH GOD THIS WAS A SOB FEST! I had tears streaming down my face. Unlike many of these things where I may exagurate slightly this was litterely anime streams running down my face. I didn’t know that a very minor character could have such an emotional impact on me or anyone. Oh and Finn’s death did a slight traumatizing thing to my brain in which I will never forgive it for. The “Thanks Princess”is the thing that I will never ever get over. And Raven Screaming after she found out which is fair to say was my exact reaction to this even though he killed countless. I just had to watch the whole motivational speech about being grounders (With guns) Damn straight, just to cheer me up. But I am Still Clexa all the way:

So I hope we have all learnt a lesson that we should never get emotionaly involved with any form of fictional character ever because it will ALWAYS end in tears. P.s. I didn’t learn my lesson. Just so you know the comments is a complete SPOILER zone now where you can tell us just how you reacted to any of the deaths above and or the most emotional reaction you have had. Mine would be the minor character from the 100 which is strange. whats yours?


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